Recovering Energy and Upcycling of Calcium Carbonate from Paper Sludge – A joint project supported by the EU
The LIFE RE&UCE project, a collaboration between Alucha, Essity, and the Grolman Group, aims to revolutionise waste management in the paper industry. By scaling up from Alucha’s pilot plant (Mine1) to a larger demonstration plant (Mine2), we will recover valuable Circular Calcium Carbonate (CCC) and renewable energy (pyrolysis oil) from paper mill sludge.
The LIFE RE&UCE project has the following objectives:
– Construction of a demonstration plant in which the key technology is implemented
– Establishment of 4 value chains for CCC in the plastics and rubber, adhesives and sealants, paints and coatings and building and construction sectors
– Conducting 4 feasibility studies for other European paper mills
Through these activities, LIFE RE&UCE can play a crucial role in closing the CCC circular economy chain and contribute to increasing the circularity rate of commercialised end products in the EU.